Blog de Mick Alexander (83)

Are Our Future Sins Forgiven?

Are Our Future Sins Forgiven?

What did Jesus mean when He said, “It is finished”?

(John 19:30).

In John 19:29-30, after He had a drink of sour wine, Jesus said, “It is finished,” and this is thought by many to mean that a Christian's past, present and…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el agosto 18, 2014 a las 4:31pm — No hay comentarios

Is Matt. 24 Only For The Jews?

Is Matt. 24 Only For The Jews?

Jesus said, “Watch out that no one deceives you.” (Matt. 24:4)

Many Christians believe that Jesus is going to return twice. They say that the first time is in 1 Thess. 4-5 when He comes secretly to take all Christians to heaven before the Great…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el julio 30, 2014 a las 6:36pm — No hay comentarios

God's Wrath In The Day Of The Lord

God's Wrath In The Day Of The Lord

“The day of the Lord is coming –

a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger.”

(Isa. 13:9)

When the Bible talks about end times it often associates that period with a Cosmic Sign in the heavens where…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el julio 20, 2014 a las 4:59pm — No hay comentarios


Is obedience optional or necessary for salvation?

Is obedience necessary for salvation or is it an option that we can take or leave? What exactly is required of us to be eternally saved? Some say that we don't need to be obedient but only need to believe, just know, that Jesus died for us because John 3:16 simply says that if you believe you will be saved. Let's…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el junio 24, 2014 a las 7:21pm — No hay comentarios

Doubt, The Faith Killer

Doubt, The Faith Killer

“Lord help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24)

Surely the greatest desire of anyone seeking a closer walk with the Lord is to have less doubt and a stronger faith. How often I shake my head for being so slow to trust the Lord despite the many clear promises He has given us. God…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el junio 1, 2014 a las 6:06pm — No hay comentarios

Peter The Fisherman

A look at Peter's character.

Peter is often spoken of in disrespectful terms as though he was foolishly outspoken or always putting his foot in his mouth. I even heard a sermon in which he was called a fool for getting out of the boat to walk on the water. However, I think Peter showed a lot of courage and faith and simply wore his heart…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el mayo 14, 2014 a las 6:03pm — No hay comentarios

The Trinity

The Trinity

A short discussion proving the Trinity.

Many books have been written on the Trinity but I don't think anyone has ever honestly claimed to fully understand it. Our limited minds can never understand our infinite God any more than a computer can understand its manufacturer. The…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el agosto 1, 2013 a las 4:15pm — No hay comentarios

What Does Believe Mean?

What Does Believe Mean?

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el mayo 30, 2013 a las 4:15am — No hay comentarios

What is salvation?

What is salvation?

What does it mean to be saved?

Saved from what?

The words salvation and saved mean to be rescued, delivered or protected from something. If we want to be protected from…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el mayo 5, 2013 a las 5:14pm — No hay comentarios

Confesar y arrepentirse

Confesar y arrepentirse

¿Hay alguna conexión entre confesando el pecado y arrepentirse de ello?

En 1 Juan 1:09 se les dice cristianos (ESV), "Si confesamos nuestros pecados, él es fiel y justo para perdonar nuestros pecados ..." Por lo tanto, cuando confesamos nuestros pecados, somos perdonados, pero ¿qué significa confesar? Mucha gente dice que no hace más que admitir que…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el abril 18, 2013 a las 4:00pm — 1 comentario

Confessing And Repenting

Confessing And Repenting

Is there any connection between confessing sin and repenting of it?

In 1 John 1:9 (ESV) Christians are told, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins ..." So, when we confess our sins we are forgiven but what does it mean to confess? Many…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el abril 16, 2013 a las 7:24pm — No hay comentarios

Sitting On The Fence

Sitting On The Fence

"Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God."

(James 4:4 NIV)

Some churchgoers are quite…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el marzo 24, 2013 a las 5:33pm — No hay comentarios

The Man And The Birds

The Man And The Birds

"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us."

(John 1:14)


This is a story of an average man, not a scrooge but a kind, decent and mostly good man. He was generous to his family and upright in his dealings with other men. However, he just…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el marzo 6, 2013 a las 8:27pm — No hay comentarios

Reconociendo El Anticristo

"... Él se sienta en el templo de Dios como Dios, haciéndose pasar por Dios."

(2 Tes. 2:4)

La Biblia nos dice que un día un hombre, llamado el Anticristo, aparecerá en el Templo (aún por construir) y declara a sí mismo como Dios. 2 Tes. 2:04 habla de esto diciendo: "Él se opone y exalta a sí mismo sobre todo lo que se llama Dios o es objeto de culto, tanto que se sienta en el templo de…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el febrero 18, 2013 a las 4:30pm — 2 comentarios

Recognising The Antichrist

Recognising The Antichrist

"… he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God."

(2 Thess. 2:4)

The Bible tells us that one day a man, called the Antichrist, will appear in the Temple (yet to be built) and declare himself to be God. 2 Thess.…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el febrero 17, 2013 a las 5:12pm — No hay comentarios

Volviendo al Amor de Dios

Jesús dijo: "Si alguno me ama, obedecerá mi palabra."

(Juan 14:23)

Romanos 5:8 nos dice, "Mas Dios muestra su amor para con nosotros, en que siendo aún pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros." A través de la cruz, nuestro Padre celestial claramente demostró Su amor por nosotros. ¿Qué quiere conseguir de nosotros para devolver ese amor?

En primer lugar, echemos un vistazo a no amar a Dios…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el febrero 14, 2013 a las 12:00am — 6 comentarios

Returning God's Love

Returning God's Love

Jesus said, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching."

(John 14:23)

Rom 5:8 tells us, "God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Through the cross, our heavenly Father clearly…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el enero 29, 2013 a las 6:21pm — No hay comentarios

Los dos lobos

Los dos lobos

"Yo he puesto delante la vida y la muerte, entre la bendición y la maldición.

Ahora elegir la vida. "(Deut. 30:19)

Cada vez que alguien se arrepiente y acepta a Jesús como Señor de su vida, el Espíritu Santo viene a vivir dentro de ellos y, a partir de ese momento, una batalla espiritual que existe entre su carne y el Espíritu Santo. Galón 5:17 describe esta batalla: "Porque el…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el enero 14, 2013 a las 1:03am — 6 comentarios

The Two Wolves

The Two Wolves

"I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.

Now choose life." (Deu. 30:19)

Whenever someone repents and accepts Jesus as Lord of their life, the Holy Spirit comes to live within them and, from that point on, a spiritual…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el enero 13, 2013 a las 5:01pm — No hay comentarios

El Amor de Dios

El Amor de Dios

"Dios es amor". (1 Juan 4:16)

Al mirar el mal en este mundo enfermo de pecado, es fácil ver por qué los no creyentes dicen que Dios no puede ser un Dios de amor. Es difícil encontrar palabras para describir cómo la humanidad se ha hundido bajo y, a pesar de todos los discursos vacíos, las cosas sólo van a empeorar hasta que Jesús regrese. Dios está permitiendo que el mundo siga su pecaminosa caída libre a…


Agregado por Mick Alexander el enero 3, 2013 a las 8:00pm — 2 comentarios


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